Asked by Amazon
The stable marriage problem is defined as follows:
Suppose you have N men and N women, and each person has ranked their prospective opposite-sex partners in order of preference.
For example, if N = 3, the input could be something like this:
guy_preferences = {
'andrew': ['caroline', 'abigail', 'betty'],
'bill': ['caroline', 'betty', 'abigail'],
'chester': ['betty', 'caroline', 'abigail'],
gal_preferences = {
'abigail': ['andrew', 'bill', 'chester'],
'betty': ['bill', 'andrew', 'chester'],
'caroline': ['bill', 'chester', 'andrew']
Write an algorithm that pairs the men and women together in such a way that no two people of opposite sex would both rather be with each other than with their currentĀ partners.
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